I’m Pat Gaffney, a software developer in St. Louis. I studied computer science at a small college you’ve never heard of — while there I earned a pathetic but acceptable GPA. Now I build full-stack apps for a giant agricultural company.
About hypepat
The term hypepat is kind of a joke — “hi pat”. But I have been known to be unusually energetic, mostly about the wrong things.
As far as the site itself, some facts:
- designed and not-tested on a 2016 TouchBar Macbook Pro.
- coded in TextMate.
- syntax highlighting via Pygments.
- less markup, more markdown thanks to the most high.
- built using Jekyll, the infamous Ruby static site engine.
- domain purchased and managed through Hover.
- hosted on a FreeBSD VPS at Digital Ocean.
I exist elsewhere on the internet:
- @patrickrgaffney on Github
- @hypepat on lobste.rs
- @patrickrgaffney on Twitter
- @hypepat on letterboxd
- @hypepat on GoodReads
Or, you could email me (but please don’t).
Thanks for reading.